On this date Captain
Shaun Geoffrey Christopher commands the first successful manned mission
to Saturn.
An unspecified advance in propulsion systems
renders sleeper ships obsolete.
The American government creates the Sanctuary
districts to contain those who are unemployed. The districts quickly become
ghetto areas.
The Bell Riots begin within Sanctuary District
4 of San Francisco. The riots lead to the abolishment of the Sanctuary
Districts, forcing the USA to at last begin to deal with its social problems.
Zephram Cochrane is born.
The 52nd state is admitted to the United States
of America.
The New United Nations rules that no Earth person
can be held responsible for the crimes of their ancestors.
Hovercars come into widespread use on Earth.
NASA launches the spacecraft Charybdis, commanded
by Colonel Steven Richey. The third manned attempt to explore beyond the
solar system, the ship is declared missing. It is discovered in 2365 in
the Theta 116 solar system.
Television ceases to exist as a form of entertainment.
World War III kills 600 million people and leaves
very few governments on Earth.
Zephram Cochrane makes Humanities first faster
than light journey. The flight results in First Contact between Humans
and Vulcans.
SS Valiant is lost whilst exploring the outer
edge of the galaxy.
The society on Argelius II undergoes "The Great
Awakening", a significant milestone in their development towards becoming
dedicated to hedonism.
The Klingon Emperor dies. No successor is appointed
because the Klingon High Council has grown in power to the point where
it effectively controls the Empire.
One of the two Sporocystian lifeforms which have
been caring for the Ocampa for the last five hundred generations leaves,
taking two thousand Ocampa with her. They establish a new home on a spaceborne
array several thousand light years away.
Quinn is imprisoned in a cometary nucleus by
the Q continuum. He will be released in 2372 by the crew of the USS Voyager.
The "post-atomic horror". The legal system assumes
guilt until proven innocent, and Lawyers have fallen into disfavour.
Colonel Steven Richey dies after thirty eight
years imprisoned in a re-creation of the fictional Royale Hotel.
Star Trek et al is Copyright Paramount Pictures
No Copyright infringement is intended and
this page is for personal use only.
All of the above classes of weapons and
all of the
named ships are copyright Paramount 1996/97.