Canon Facts Backstage
Info Speculation
Humanoid species native to the Alpha Quadrant. The
Nausicaans are large people renowned for their lack of subtlety and surly,
ill-tempered manner. In 2371 a group of Nausicaans used an ultrasonic generator
to break in rob central museum of Remmil VI by breaking down one of the
walls. They are a common choice as bodyguards or hired muscle - FCA liquidator
Brunt used two Nausicaans as bodyguards in 2372 when he investigated a
labour union set up by employees of Quark. The Nausicaans severely beat
Quark in an unsuccessful attempt to force Rom to shut down the union.
In 2327 the newly graduated Ensign Picard and
two of his friends became involved in a fight at a gambling establishment
on Starbase Earhart after a Nausicaan cheated during a game of Dom Jot.
One of the Nausicaans stabbed Picard through the heart, severely injuring
him and necessitating an artificial replacement organ.
In 2374 Quark made 200 bars of gold pressed latinum
by selling Denevan crystals to a Nausicaan entrepreneur.
Last updated : 29th May 2000.
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