'); document.write("It's strange just how many different ideas there are for the "); document.write("sizes of Starships and Stations - you'd think the creators would set a figure very early "); document.write("in the design process, but apparently they don't. Here's how I came to "); document.write("the figures used for this chart :"); if (top.topleft.IncludeShips) { document.write("
 "); document.write(""); for (var nIndex=1;nIndex"); } } } document.write("
"); document.write(''); if (top.botleft.aSpec[nIndex][2]!="class") { document.write(''); document.write(''); } document.write("
"); cSize=top.botleft.aSpec[nIndex][4]; document.write(""); document.write(""); for (var nDig=0;nDig"); } else { nDigit=parseInt(cDigit); document.write(""); } document.write(""); } document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write("
"); if (top.botleft.aSpec[nIndex][10]=="") { document.write(" "); } else { document.write(top.botleft.aSpec[nIndex][10]); } document.write("
"); } // Stations if (top.topleft.IncludeStations) { document.write("
 "); document.write(""); for (var nIndex=1;nIndex"); } } } document.write("
"); cSize=top.botleft.aStations[nIndex][4]; document.write(''); if (top.botleft.aStations[nIndex][2]!="class") { document.write(''); document.write(''); } document.write("
"); document.write(""); document.write(""); for (var nDig=0;nDig"); } else { nDigit=parseInt(cDigit); document.write(""); } document.write(""); } document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write("
"); if (top.botleft.aStations[nIndex][10]=="") { document.write(" "); } else { document.write(top.botleft.aStations[nIndex][10]); } document.write("
"); } // Write the static footer document.write('
'); document.write('
'); document.write('
Last updated : '+top.botleft.cUpdate+'.
'); document.write('
This page is Copyright Graham Kennedy 1999.
'); document.write('
8472 Bioship, 8472 Planetbuster, Akira, Ambassador, Cheyenne,
'); document.write('
Excelsior, Nebula, New Orleans, Nova, Oberth, Sabre, Sovereign
'); document.write('
and Steamrunner picures supplied by Sci-fi Art (see links page)
'); document.write('
'); document.write('
Star Trek et al is Copyright Paramount Pictures 1996/97.
'); document.write('
No Copyright  infringement is intended and this page is for personal use only.
'); document.write('
All  of the above classes of star Stations and all of the
'); document.write('
named Stations are copyright Paramount 1996/97.
'); document.write(''); //-->