Canon Facts Backstage Info  Speculation
Unit Run
(SS Valiant)
 plus a total of thirty built between 2064 and 2100. None remain in service.
2064 - 2100
Length : 97 m
Beam : 38 m 
Height : 19 m
Decks : 5
6,800 tons
2 x Laser cannon, total output 250 TeraWatts
1 x Missile launch tube + 8 fusion missiles
Defence Systems
Shield system, total capacity 8,100 TeraJoules
Light Monotanium single hull.
Low level structural integrity field
Warp Speeds
(Cochrane Scale)
Normal Cruise : Warp Factor 3 
Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 4 
Maximum Rated : Warp Factor 4.2
Strength Indices
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 5
Torpedo Firepower : 2
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 30
Shield Strength : 3
Hull Armour : 0.3
Speed : 38
Combat Manoeuvrability : 7,000
Overall Strength Index
Approximately equal to Grade 2
Expected Hull Life
20 years
Refit Cycle
Minor : 1 year 
Standard : 2 years 
Major : 5 years

Notes : Once Zephram Cochrane completed his first practical warp flight in the Phoenix and made First Contact with the Vulcans, his warp project attracted huge interest and funding. He set out at once to construct a new and much more ambitious vessel, capable of extended duration interstellar missions. The work proceeded remarkably smoothly, and by late in 2063 the S.S. Valiant was launched. The Valiant employed the same fusion reactor power core as the Phoenix, but where the Phoenix had one such reactor the Valiant employed six. The nacelles also employed the same design, but the addition of a second pair of warp coils increased their length by some 80%. Outside the propulsion system, much of the ship was based on technology donated by the Vulcans.

The Valiant herself set off on a mission of exploration in 2064; the ship failed to return and was reported lost in 2065. In fact the Valiant was eventually swept out of the galaxy. The ship was virtually destroyed while trying to cross the great energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy. Six of the crew where killed, but a seventh experienced some form of mutation which dramatically increased ESP powers. Fearing the rapidly increasing power of the woman, the captain of the Valiant ordered the ship destroyed.

The Valiants continued to be built for over thirty five years, though the design was massively improved throughout this period and later members of the class bore little internal resemblance to the first ships. They continued in service until as late as 2130, operating well beyond their designed hull life.

Last updated : 25th April 1999.
This page is Copyright Graham Kennedy 1998.

Star Trek et al is Copyright Paramount Pictures 1996/97.
No Copyright  infringement is intended and this page is for personal use only.
All  of the above classes of star ships and all of the
named ships are copyright Paramount 1996/97.