Various configurations possible |
Unit Run
Unknown |
Unknown - likely built as needed. |
Diameter : 300 metres
Decks : approx. 80 |
4,200,000 tons |
Unknown; believed to be 20 - 50 |
Unknown beam weapon; approx output
estimated 50,000 TeraWatts
Low power plasma torpedoes |
Defence Systems
Shield system, total capacity approx.
675,000 TeraWatts
Low capacity automatic regeneration matrix Hull estimated equivalent to heavy Varethiel double hull plus 50.0 cm High Density armour High level structural integrity field |
Warp Speeds
(TNG Scale)
Warp 9.974, approximate |
Strength Indices
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 1,000
Torpedo Firepower : 200 Weapon Range and Accuracy : 630 Shield Strength : 250 Hull Armour : 5,440 Speed : 2,500 Combat Manoeuvrability : 600 |
Overall Strength Index
1,000 |
Generally none - specialized facilities can be constructed if required | |
Expected Hull Life
Unknown |
Refit Cycle
Unknown |
Notes : The Borg sphere has only been seen in action by the Federation on one occasion, during the Sector 001 battle. The last act of the Borg cube destroyed in that battle was to launch a sphere carrying a small group of drones. The sphere generated a temporal vortex, allowing it to travel into the year 2063 in order to prevent the formation of the federation.
The Sovereign class Enterprise-E followed the sphere through the vortex, and observed it firing some form of low energy plasma weapon on Earth. The Enterprise fired a volley of quantum torpedoes at the ship and succeeded in destroying it, although some Borg drones where able to beam aboard the Enterprise and begin assimilating it.
There is little solid evidence concerning the
capabilities or numbers of the Borg sphere. It may have been specially
constructed solely as a timeship, but this seems unlikely as the Borgs
attempt to alter the past appears to have been a last minute plan after
the failure of their conventional invasion. The lack
of shields and relatively limited armament
on this ship suggest that the sphere is some form of science vessel, perhaps
with a scouting or courier role also. Given the nature of the Borg, it
is likely that they could easily equip this vessel with heavier armament
and the statistics above reflect Starfleet
projections of a spheres potential combat capability.
Given this, the data must me regarded as highly speculative.
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All of the above classes of star ships
and all of the
named ships are copyright Paramount 1996/97.