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Light Cruiser
Unit Run
IKS K'T'Inga
IKS Kronos One
(IKS Amar)
(IKS T'Acog)
IKS B'Moth
plus 926 others built since 2269. 650 were in service at the beginning of the Dominion war or have been built during it; 213 have been destroyed, leaving 437 in service. 
2269 - 2404
Length : 246 m
Beam : 160 m 
Height : 68 m
Decks : 9 excluding nacelles
490,000 tons
2 x Mark 10 disrupter cannon 
12 x Mark 8 disrupter cannon, total output 15,500 TeraWatts 
2 x Photon torpedo tubes + 230 torpedoes
Some variants have replaced the forward torpedo tube with a third Mark 10 cannon
Defence Systems
Shield system, total capacity 1,107,000 TeraJoules 
Heavy Duranium double hull plus 6.4 cm High Density armour. 
Standard level structural integrity field
Warp Speeds
(TNG Scale)
Normal Cruise : Warp Factor 5.5 
Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 7 
Maximum Rated : Warp Factor 8.8 for twelve hours
Strength Indices
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 310 
Torpedo Firepower : 320 
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 360
Shield Strength : 410
Hull Armour : 840
Speed : 737
Combat Manoeuvrability : 3,700
Overall Strength Index
Expected Hull Life
90 years
Refit Cycle
Minor : 2 years 
Standard : 6 years 
Major : 30 years

Notes : The K'T'Inga class battle cruiser was fielded by the Klingons during the 2270's to replace the D-7 class. The Klingon intelligence service had learned in 2263 that Starfleet was soon to engage on a major rebuild of the Miranda and Constitution class ships which would, among other things, equip them with the latest weapon and propulsion technology. Since the Miranda class had always been the equal of the D-7 one-on-one, and the Constitution had always been considered markedly superior, the prospect of these ships becoming significantly more powerful was not one the Klingons welcomed.

The Klingon high command judged that developing and building an entirely new class of battle cruiser would take at least ten to fifteen years, leaving nearly a decade when they would be vulnerable to attack. It was therefore decided that the new vessel would be based around the hull of a standard D-7, but would include the latest weapon and engine technology. The K'T'Inga therefore bears a close resemblance to the D-7; major external differences lie in the colour scheme, which is rather darker on the K'T'Inga, and in the forward hull, which is somewhat bulkier on the K'T'Inga. The K'Tingas nacelles are also distinctive.

The Armament of the K'T'Inga was upgraded throughout. A new heavier model torpedo was installed, cutting the number of torpedoes carried from 260 to 230. A Mark 10 disrupter cannon was mounted directly above each torpedo tube. The Mark 7 disrupters of the D-7 were replaced with Mark 8 models, of which an extra pair was worked in to the design. The ground forces barracks was eliminated so as to allow more space to engineering; this measure allowed a larger warp core to be installed and left space for a 20% increase in the fuel supply.

The first of the K'T'Inga class was launched in 2269; by the time the USS Enterprise was due to completed her refit in 2271 - the first Constitution to complete this procedure - there were six K'T'Inga class vessels in service. Records of the time indicate that the Klingon High Command seriously considered launching an offensive against the Federation at this point; General Melkarr proposed sending two major attacks into Federation space, one headed for Earth and the other for Vulcan. Each attack would comprise thirty ships, twenty seven D-7s led by three of the K'T'Inga class. These forces were actually assembled while the council debated the matter, but before a decision was made reports reached the High Command of a large energy cloud penetrating Klingon space. The K'T'Ingas from the Earth attack fleet were dispatched to investigate, but as soon as they intercepted the cloud all three were destroyed by plasma weapons from within by the entity which was at the heart of the cloud. The loss of half of their newest battle cruiser fleet in the space of minutes threw the high command into a near panic; the attack on the Federation was postponed and the fleet was ordered to escort the anomaly out of their space from a safe distance. When the USS Enterprise apparently succeeded in destroying the intruder, the Klingons concluded that the new Constitution design was far more powerful than they had assumed and cancelled the attack altogether. By the time the truth behind the V'ger incident emerged, Starfleet had upgraded its fleet sufficiently to make a new attack unfeasible in any event.

The K'T'Ingas have continued in service to the present day, having received the normal upgrades and refits over the years. They are now considered as second line units, and are generally to be found patrolling friendly borders such as that with the Federation or acting in support of the Vor'Cha class attack cruiser.

Last updated : 26th October 1999.
This page is Copyright Graham Kennedy 1998.

Star Trek et al is Copyright Paramount Pictures 1996/97.
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All  of the above classes of star ships and all of the
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