This entry is entirely my own invention - even down to the class name. Given the 24th century format of this site, it is absurd to say that we wouldn't know the name of this class, so I had to put something down. For those who don't know, the Griffin is a mythical animal with the head, beak, and wings of an eagle, the body and legs of a lion, and occasionally a serpent's tail. It seemed appropriate for this ship!
The Griffin is obviously a kit bash, that is a ship made by combining
parts of different models. The Engineering hull seems to be from the TOS
era, but is not a Constitution. The rest are as described in the specs
page. Most of the entry is intended to explain away this peculiar combination,
and IMHO does a fair job of it. Take it with a pinch of salt - in fact,
take it with a bucket load of salt. The best I can say is that I'm unlikely
to be contradicted, since this ship is unlikely to feature heavily in any
future episodes!
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No Copyright infringement is intended and
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All of the above classes of star ships
and all of the
named ships are copyright Paramount 1996/97.