Canon Facts Backstage
Info Speculation
Encountered by Voyager in 2371, the Sikarians are
a highly advanced and peaceful people who are legendary in the Delta Quadrant
for their generosity and kindness to strangers. Their technology is in
general in advance of that of the Federation, most especially when it comes
to transporters. The Sikarians used a device which they called the trajector,
a transporter capable of sending people or objects across distances of
40,000 light years in an instant. The field required to accomplish this
is some ten billion times greater than anything Voyager could have generated,
requiring a field amplifier literally as large as a planet. Sikaris
has a mantle of tetrahedral quartz twenty kilometres thick, whose crystalline
structure was used by the Sikarians as am amplifier.
Unfortunately, the Sikarians refused to allow
Voyager to use their trajector and although members of the crew purchased
the technology from a clandestine group on the planet the use of the mantle
as an amplifier meant that it was impossible to use the device once they
had departed. In addition, the trajector used antineutrinos as a catalyst
for the space folding reaction, a technology incompatible with Federation
Voyager was thus unable to use this technology
to assist in its return home. No other species has been encountered which
has this technology.
Last updated : 11th June 2000.
This page is Copyright Graham Kennedy 1998.
Star Trek et al is Copyright Paramount Pictures 1996/97.
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All of the above classes of star ships and all of the
named ships are copyright Paramount 1996/97.