Canon Facts Backstage
Info Speculation
What is termed in the Federation as the Elway theorem
has long been known as a potentially advanced transporter system. The Starfleet
Academy astrophysics course has two hours on the theorem, which has amongst
its spinoffs the adaptive transport also known as subspace transition rebounding
transport or the dimensional shift. The theorem eventually proved to be
inaccurate and all research was abandoned by the mid 23rd century. However,
the dimensional shift idea did indeed work successfully and was adopted
by the Ansata terrorist movement on the planet Rutia IV. Unfortunately
for the terrorists, the process is inimical to living tissue; genetic damage
results from each use of the technology with a cumulative effect which
is invariably fatal. The Ansata kept using the system despite this, since
the transport is untraceable by any standard method of detection.
When the Ansata kidnapped Dr. Beverly Crusher,
the Enterprise-D crew became involved in the fight against them. Each person
using the transport wears an armband containing a subspace field coil and
an isolated power source. Use of the system results in a slight nuclear
vibration which allowed the Enterprise crew to speculate that the dimensional
shift was being used. They were subsequently able to locate the terrorist
headquarters using an adaptive subspace echogram to trace the dimensional
shifts. A joint Starfleet / Rutian force attacked the headquarters and
rescued the Federation prisoners, killing the leader of the terrorists
in the process.
Last updated : 11th June 2000.
This page is Copyright Graham Kennedy 1998.
Star Trek et al is Copyright Paramount Pictures 1996/97.
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use only.
All of the above classes of star ships and all of the
named ships are copyright Paramount 1996/97.