Canon Facts Backstage Info  Speculation
The underspace corridor network surrounding the Vaadwuar homeworld is a natural phenomenon which allows ships to travel at far greater than normal speeds. The corridors were formerly controlled by the Vaadwuar themselves, who spent centuries mapping them and used them to allow trade with many other species and for military expansion of their territory. Approximately one thousand years ago the Vaadwuar were defeated by an alliance composed of their various victim species including the Turei. The alliance subsequently claimed control of the corridor network.

In 2376 Voyager was caught up in the network. The ship had been cruising at warp six when one of the corridors pulled them in abruptly, attracting the ships warp field like a magnet. They found hundreds of interconnected corridors, most filled with debris of various kinds. The ship found it difficult to escape from the corridors, but a Turei vessel was able to use a resonance pulse to alter Voyagers shield harmonic and expel it from the corridor.

Voyager found that the corridor had allowed them to cross two hundred light years of space in under five minutes, an average speed of over twenty million times the speed of light. They attempted to negotiate the right to use the corridors further, but were unable to do so.

Last updated : 11th June 2000.
This page is Copyright Graham Kennedy 1998.

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