Canon Facts Backstage Info  Speculation
Light Cruiser
Unit Run
IKS Kanlema IKS Gr'oth
plus 435 others built since 2245. 112 were in service at the beginning of the Dominion war; 60 of these have been lost. 
2245 - 2290
Length : 228 m
Beam : 160 m 
Height : 60 m 
Decks : 18 excluding nacelles
470,000 tons
480 crew plus up to 500 ground troops
10 x Mark 7 disrupter cannon, total output 6,750 TeraWatts 
2 x 2nd class Photon torpedo tubes + 260 torpedoes
Defence Systems
Shield system, total capacity 756,000 TeraJoules 
Heavy Monotanium double hull plus 5.0 cm High Density armour. 
Standard level Structural Integrity field
Warp Speeds
(TNG Scale)
Normal Cruise : Warp Factor 5 
Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 6 
Maximum Rated : Warp Factor 8 for ten hours
Strength Indices
(Galaxy class = 1,000)
Beam Firepower : 115 
Torpedo Firepower : 180 
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 175 
Shield Strength : 280
Hull Armour : 520
Speed : 536
Combat Manoeuvrability : 2,000
Overall Strength Index
Expected Hull Life
100 years
Refit Cycle
Minor : 5 years 
Standard : 10 years 
Major : 20 years

Notes : The D-7 class battle cruiser was the backbone of the Klingon fleet for over sixty years. First entering service in 2245, the D-7 was a far more powerful and advanced vessel than its predecessor. Although the Federation Miranda class was at least the equal of the D-7, and the Constitution class somewhat superior, the D-7 was built in larger numbers than both of these classes combined.

In layout the D-7 set the standard for all Klingon designs up until the present day. The Federation tended to place most or all of the weapons on the primary hull, concentrating firepower forwards, then rely on speed and manoeuvrability to bring them to bear on the target. The D-7s engines were seriously under powered compared to Federation vessels; to compensate, the Klingons put the bulk of the ships systems in a large engineering hull attached to the nacelles, and attached a small secondary hull on the end of a long 'neck' section that projected forwards. This concentrated the vessels mass towards the rear, making it easier for the engines to change the vessels attitude in space. The weapons were also more evenly distributed - one torpedo tube is located in the forward hull, the other in the engineering section facing aft. Six of the ten disrupter cannon are also in the engineering hull. This gives the D-7 a greater distribution of fire than the Constitution or Miranda class.

 Facilities were also included to support up to five hundred ground troops; barracks accommodation was located adjacent to the ships six transporter rooms and the shuttle craft bay was considerably larger than previous Klingon vessels in order to support landing craft operations. Each D-7 was expected to be able to sustain ground operations for about twenty days without outside resupply.

The D-7 has seen comparatively little combat experience. Several skirmishes occurred with the Federation, generally pitting the D-7 against the Constitution or Miranda class. The Federation design was generally the victor in these encounters, although the Miranda class USS Outrider was heavily damaged in one engagement with a D-7 class.

Today the D-7 class is largely retired, but some one hundred and twenty units of the class remain in service with the Klingon fleet. They are no longer considered as combat units; instead they have been fitted with instrumentation from the K'T'Inga and Vor'Cha class cruisers to enable them to be used in training duties.

Last updated : 26th October 1999.
This page is Copyright Graham Kennedy 1998.

Star Trek et al is Copyright Paramount Pictures 1996/97.
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All  of the above classes of star ships and all of the
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